Venus Freeze Has Four Primary Functions:
- Skin tightening
- Wrinkle reduction
- Cellulite reduction
- Circumferential reduction
The Venus Freeze® is currently sold in over 40 countries and has been widely accepted as the new standard of pain free treatments that consistently deliver results making Freeze® the product of choice for hundreds of Physicians worldwide
Dr. Nawabi is the first physician in Simi Valley to offer this innovative technology. Venus Freeze® or (MP)² is a revolutionary, non-invasive skin tightening and body contouring solution that can be used on the face, neck, and body. Although the name "freeze" gives the idea this treatment is cold, it's actually a radio frequency (RF) technology that gives off a warm, deep heat.
Actual Alamo Hills Venus Freeze Client Testimonial
"I'm a 67 year old woman who took a chance and got the Venus Freeze treatment on my neck and jaw and I'm glad I did. I was hoping it would work for two reasons: I wanted my neck and jaw line lifted and it would have been a waste of money if it didn't. I am pleased enough with the results that I will do the maintenance treatments throughout the year.
I just had my sixth treatment tow days ago and what I noticed is my neck lost the wrinkles that go around your neck like a necklace. They cannot go over your thyroid so there are a few wrinkles right in front but because the sides of my neck are pulled up these are diminished. The sides of my neck are very smooth. My jowls and what I call the drool lines that go from the corner of your mouth down are reduced. The Venus Freeze gives you a smoother (less wrinkles), natural improvement (not severe). My daughter is the only one who knew I was doing the treatments. She said I look at least ten (maybe more) years younger and my neck looks great (she was impressed). The results do not look artificial- you just look refreshed.
I was told that over the next six months the results will only get better as the collagen is rebuilding. I like the fact that it is gradual so you look nicer without anyone knowing what you did.
One final comment, Dr Nawabi and his staff are great! Dr. Nawabi asked me what bothered me the most, what I'd like to improve. From there he planned out what steps should be taken for my improvement (considering the cost, my age and what I expected). The whole office is very friendly and kind. I felt sad when my sixth treatment was over because I enjoyed visiting the girls every week."
" Sandie"
Actual Alamo Hills Laser's Client After 5 Venus Freeze Treatments.
Client was treated for Neck And Jowl Line. Notice the tightening of skin on the neck and a more defined jowl line. The texture of the skin improved tremendously too.
Call Today for a Consultation and Demonstration
Or Contact Us directly for More Information On Venus Freeze